Student Handbook
Dear Sciole Parents and Families,
Welcome to John A. Sciole Elementary School and the 2023-24 school year!
This handbook is presented as a reference to help you and your child understand our school’s routines and expectations. I encourage you to carefully review this information with your child, particularly those areas that pertain to student behavior. With your help and reinforcement of our expectations, your child will have a very successful year here at John A. Sciole Elementary.
It is our hope that all students and their families have a successful school experience here at John A. Sciole. Our entire staff works very hard to ensure that for each child. If, at any time, you have questions about your child’s classroom situation, please contact the teacher first. If your problem is not resolved, then please call the school at (716) 686-3285 to speak with the social worker, nurse, or principal.
Carrie L. Greene, Principal
- School Hours/Daily Schedule
- Attendance
- Communication
- Classroom Visits
- Birthday Party Invitation Policy
- Bicycles
- Guidelines for Behavior: What We Expect from Every Student at JAS
- Cafeteria
- Dignity for All Students Act
- Standards of Conduct and Sanctions
- Dress Code
- Personal Electronic/Items
- Chromebook Dsitribution
- Health Services
- Parent-Teacher Conference
- Open House
- Parent Portal/Report Cards
- Bus Procedures
- Emergency Closings
- Fire Drills, Lock Down Drills,and Bus Drills
- Moving
- Make-up Work Due to Absences
- Morning Announcements
- Telephone Use
- Playground
- Lost and Found
- Traffic
- Field Trips and Special Events
- Behaviors and Consequences
School Hours/Daily Schedule
8:50 a.m.
Arrival bell rings – students will be dismissed from buses (2 at a time) and teachers will begin welcoming students out of vehicles in the drop off lane. Students that walk or ride a bike will be allowed into the school (see page 4).
Adults are to remain in the vehicles to allow for a smooth, speedy drop off.
Please note: No students will be admitted into the building before 8:50 a.m.
3:14 p.m.
Start of dismissal bell rings - students walking or riding a bike home are dismissed and are to leave school grounds immediately to avoid the bus and vehicle traffic. YMCA after school program students are dismissed to the gym. Students being picked up by a parent are dismissed to our cafeteria for controlled release to vehicles in the pick up lane.
Adults are again to remain in the vehicles to allow for a smooth, speedy pick up.
“Surprise” end of the day pickups are discouraged and often create confusion for staff members and students. Please remember to send in any dismissal-related notes prior to 2:00 p.m. Thank you.
Our bus loading times vary. You can anticipate all buses leaving school grounds between 3:20 - 3:30 p.m. Please note: Buses will most likely be late getting home the first two weeks of school as the students learn the routine. Times may also, in severe weather conditions, be delayed.
Your child’s regular attendance in school is of great importance to their educational success. Please understand that New York State law requires that any student absence must be accounted for by a written excuse from home. We ask all parents to contact the school by 9:30 a.m. to report an absence. Parents will automatically be notified by mail when their child’s absences reach/exceed 10, 15, and 20 days (excused and unexcused). Students with high absence rates may be referred to our Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Team, the school social worker, and/or the school SRO (school resource officer) for assistance in solving any underlying issues.
The doors are closed and locked at 9:00 a.m. each morning. If your child is late for school, they must be escorted by you into the main office. You may bring a written excuse for the tardy, or you will be asked to complete one in the office.
If a child is to be excused earlier than the regular dismissal time, a note must be sent to the teacher in the morning. The parent, upon arriving at school, should report to the main office. Parents will NOT go to the classroom. Children will not be dismissed to anyone other than the custodial parent(s)/ legal guardian unless the school has been notified in advance. The District will not release students to a non-custodial parent without the custodial parent’s consent. It is the parent’s responsibility to inform the District if and when the child may be released to individuals other than the custodial parent in a form acceptable to the District. The main office will call the classroom, and your child will be sent promptly. Parents may wait for their child in the main office.
Please remember:
When your child returns to school, a written excuse indicating the reason for the absence is required. Illness, religious observances, and funerals are considered excused absences. Vacations, personal business, or family matters are unexcused absences. If a written excuse is not received, it will be marked as an illegal absence. All excuses are kept on file at school.
Again, please call the school by 9:30 a.m. if your child will be absent.
Pick Up Tag:
If you are going to pick up your child on a regular basis at dismissal, we ask that you request a pick up tag for your car.
If you do not have a tag, please let the office know ahead of time that you will be picking up your child at dismissal by sending in a note with your child. Be sure to indicate who will be picking up your child and make sure that person has photo identification.
Thank you very much for your cooperation with our dismissal procedures. This is often the most hectic time of the day for us as we work to make certain that all children get dismissed properly. There is a limited time frame to ensure that all buses are correctly loaded and all children are where they are supposed to be. Any last minute alterations to the plans increase the risk of error.
The school and district uses an electronic communication system (School Messenger) to disseminate information through email, phone calls, and/or texts. It is important that every year you log on to the parent portal and verify your contact information. If this information is not verified, you may miss out on communications.
Classroom Visits
The staff of JAS welcomes pre-arranged parent visits to school. New York State law requires all visitors to check in at the office before a classroom visit. This enables us to know who is in the building at all times. All visitors must wear a visitor sticker.
The connection between home and school is an important one to all of us and directly affects student success. We also try very hard to schedule instructional blocks of time, particularly in ELA and Math, in order to maximize your child’s learning. We ask that you please contact your child’s teacher to schedule a time to visit your child’s classroom. That way, your son or daughter’s valuable instructional time will not be compromised and the classroom teacher can better accommodate your child’s needs. We also ask that you not accompany your child to his or her classroom in the morning, as this becomes difficult to monitor from a safety perspective. It also slows down your child’s involvement with their morning routines. Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation. The safety and academic success of your child are our top priorities.
Please note: The lunchtime half hour belongs to your child. It is time for them to freely socialize with classmates and friends. Parents are not permitted to have lunch with their child.
Birthday Party Invitation Policy
Outside birthday party invitations may be handed out at school only if all students in the class will be receiving an invitation – or all the girls or all the boys in the class. If this is not the case, please do not send the invitations into school. They will be sent back home to avoid hurt feelings between classmates.
Parents who choose to allow their child to ride a bicycle to school should understand:
The office must have a note on file in order for your child to be able to ride a bike to school.
Bicycles must be walked on school grounds and placed on the rack provided.
Bicycles should be locked at all times.
Bikers should leave when the pick-up students are dismissed and must leave the school grounds immediately to avoid conflict with the heavy traffic and interference with bus dismissal.
This privilege is for children in 2nd grade and 3rd grade only.
Guidelines for Behavior: What We Expect from Every Student at JAS
Beginning the Day:
8:50 a.m. – Enter the building. Walking is the rule! All hats are to be removed upon entering the building. (Hats are okay on “hat day.”) There will be staff on duty at 8:50 to assist and direct children to classrooms. Children are to go directly to their classrooms in an orderly and quiet manner. They are not to visit other classrooms at this time. The only exceptions are students being dropped off who are eating breakfast at school - these students are to eat breakfast in the cafeteria upon entering the building before reporting to the classroom.
Every student is responsible for his/her own language, manners, and behavior – which affect all of us. Children are expected to make appropriate choices and are assisted throughout the day to meet that goal.
Children are expected to use the word “please” when they want something.
Children are expected to say “thank you” when they receive something.
Children are expected to use the words “excuse me” when they interrupt or interfere.
Children are expected to talk politely to everyone – their classmates, other children, and adults.
Children are expected to walk in the hallways at all times.
Children are expected to use appropriate language to communicate with all students and staff.
Every student has the right to private property and the right not to be threatened by anyone.
Children are expected to leave other people’s things alone, unless a person offers to share.
Children are expected to keep their hands and feet to themselves.
Children are expected to be kind to others – no teasing or name-calling.
Children are expected to play fairly and to be a good sport.
In and Around School:
Everyone has a responsibility to keep our building clean, safe, and attractive.
Children are expected to wipe their feet before entering – if feet are muddy or wet.
Children are expected to pick up any loose paper on classroom or hallway floors and place it in waste cans.
Children are expected to keep their work area clean.
Children are expected to keep tables, walls, and books free from writing.
Children are expected to use equipment in an appropriate and safe manner.
Children are expected to use playground equipment according to school guidelines.
Every student has the right to enjoy his/her lunch period without excessive noise or stress. Children are expected to obey the cafeteria monitors and parent volunteers. Teachers and monitors reserve the right to assign seats as needed. Throwing of food is unacceptable. For the first offense, the student will be given a time-out or asked to sit in a location separate from his or her class. For the second offense, the student will be separated from his or her class for a designated period of time, and may also be sent to the principal. For a third offense, the student will be removed from the cafeteria during his or her lunch period, will meet with the principal, and parents will be contacted. Children are expected to remain seated while eating, and keep their hands and feet to themselves.
Children are expected to clean up their lunch area, including anything they have dropped on the floor.
Children are expected to stay seated. If they need something, they should raise their hands.
Children are expected to be polite.
Children are expected to remain silent when the lights are out.
Children are expected to talk normally, not shout.
Children are expected to walk at all times.
Children are expected to leave all DVD and game players, cell phones, and any other electronic devices at home. These are not allowed and will be temporarily taken from students. A parent will need to come to the school to pick up the item.
Our Building Planning Team developed the following cafeteria guidelines to use with all students. Parents are encouraged to review and discuss these with their child. These are posted throughout the cafeteria and reviewed in the classrooms. This 30-minute lunch period is an opportunity for students to socialize with classmates and friends. Parents are not permitted to visit for lunch.
Are you a Star in our cafetorium every day?
Listen to directions
Use an inside voice
Never get out of your seat without permission
Clean up your space
Have respect for others
Take good care of your cafetorium
It’s important to never share or throw food
Mind your manners
Eat healthy food first
Sciole offers breakfast for all students. Information and pricing can be found here. The bagged breakfast may include cereal, breakfast bar, yogurt, or a bagel and a piece of fruit and a drink. Money can be applied to a child’s account for both breakfast and lunch. Those eligible for free or reduced lunch are also eligible to receive breakfast.
A letter from the food service department will be sent home in September with information about the lunch program and prices. Also included will be information about the free and reduced lunch program for eligible families. Please consider placing funds for your child’s lunches into the online account system. It is much easier for children to avoid having to carry and keep track of lunch money. Please see our District website for more information about that service.
Students who forget their lunch money are allowed to charge their lunch – up to three charges. Your cooperation and promptness in paying these charges will be greatly appreciated. In the event your account is not paid off after 3 charged lunches, you will be contacted by the school social worker and/or the cafeteria manager.
Allergen Safe Table
An Allergen Safe table is designated in the cafeteria. Please contact the school nurse if you would like your child to be seated at the Allergen Safe table during his/her lunch period. An Allergen Safe table will also be available during any off-campus field trips. Parents should notify the Health Office of any allergy your child may have. We encourage students to be proactive in the care and management of their food allergies and reactions based on developmental level.
Dignity for All Students Act
New York State has enacted a law aimed at educating families and students about bullying and mandating that schools take steps to eliminate bullying incidents. This law took effect on July 1, 2012. All of the schools in the Lancaster School District have initiated plans to address the issue of bullying, including developing an awareness of the meaning and characteristics of bullying. All students will learn the kindness pledge and there will be considerable effort spent this school year on this topic.
Lancaster Central School District Kindness Pledge:
I am a student of the
Lancaster School District
and our family is part of
the Lancaster Community.
We Promise to be kind to others.
We will include others in activities.
If we see someone being mistreated,
we will stand up for them.
We will do our best at all times
to treat each other
with kindness and respect.
Standards of Conduct and Sanctions
Students are not allowed to use, possess, sell, or distribute alcohol or other substances on school grounds. This does not include drugs as prescribed by a physician, although these may only be dispensed by our nurse. Students who violate these rules will have immediate school suspension and a parent notification or conference. Toy or real knives, guns, and other weapons are not allowed on school property.
Any K-3 student who threatens another student is also subject to school suspension. Threats are taken very seriously as a form of intending to harm another person. Bullying or intimidation of others will not be tolerated. We work very hard as a school to teach children to care for others and learn to work and play together. You will be contacted if repeated efforts to address a child’s difficult behaviors warrant your involvement.
Please refer to the Behaviors and Consequences Chart attached at the end of this handbook.
Additional information can also be found in the District’s Code of Conduct.
Dress Code
Please encourage and guide your child to come to school appropriately dressed. We encourage your understanding and good judgment when it comes to proper school attire. Clothing should not be distracting. Bare midriffs, hats in the classroom, short shorts, spaghetti straps, tank tops, strapless shirts or dresses, and shirts with suggestive and/or double meaning or inappropriate sayings and pictures are considered improper attire. Hair dyes and colorings are also a distraction and should be reserved for use outside of school. Unsafe footwear or shoes with wheels will not be allowed. It is recommended that sneakers be worn on PE days to avoid loss of instructional time changing shoes before and after PE class. School administration reserves the right to determine when something is or is not a distraction. Should the need arise, parents will be contacted to bring in the necessary change of clothing to correct the problem. Appropriate dress lends itself to a positive school atmosphere. Please also see the District’s Code of Conduct.
Personal Electronic/Items
NO personal cell phones/communication devices, DVD or game players, iPods, or other music players brought from home are allowed in school. If your child must have one of these items due to your schedule or situation, please make sure your child understands that it MUST REMAIN IN HIS/HER BACKPACK during school hours. Please note that JAS is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Watches that allow “messaging” (Smart Watches, Apple Watches) must be in school mode during the school day. If the watch does not have a school or safe mode, please keep it at home or IN THE BACKPACK. Please note that JAS is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
It is encouraged that no personal items like toys/cards (for example: Pokemon Cards) be brought to school. Please note that JAS is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Chromebook Dsitribution
At the start of each school year, students may be issued a device and power supply for use during the school year. There is no cost to receive these items as it is a primary educational tool. It is the responsibility of the student that has been assigned a device, to provide proper care and protection of the device. Devices should only be used by the student to whom they were assigned. As per BOE Policy #7317, damage and/or loss of the device due to a failure to properly care and maintain the device will result in repair and/or replacement charges being levied to the student. Device malfunctions from normal use will not incur a charge.
Health Services
Our building provides the services of a Registered Nurse. She is available during the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. each school day. She attends to the medical needs of students by maintaining student records, being a liaison between home and school, assisting with school physicals, and administering medication.
If your child is on medication and he or she needs to take it during the day, the nurse must have a written statement with a prescription from the student’s physician. A doctor’s written order and permission from the parent must be given to the nurse in order for her to dispense medicine. Forms are available in the nurse’s office and on our school website. The school nurse’s role is not to determine serious medical problems, since this is the role of the family doctor.
Please do not send any medications, including over-the-counter types, to school with your child. This includes things such as throat lozenges, aspirin or cold medications, hand creams, etc. Children tend to offer what they have to others and our goal is to keep everyone safe.
All public school students must have a record of the necessary immunizations on file in the Health Office. The school nurse will notify parents of students lacking any of the required immunizations. No student may enter school without the required immunizations.
Parent-Teacher Conference
The parent-teacher conference provides an excellent opportunity to become better acquainted with the school and the teachers. It is important that parents and the teacher share information about the child’s needs. These conferences are one of the most effective means of evaluating the pupil’s progress. Please see the District Calendar (hard copy or online) for parent-teacher conference dates. Conferences may be requested at any time by calling or emailing your child’s teacher. Parents can sign up for a conference time when they attend Open House. Conference sign-ups will also be available for all special areas (PE, Art, Music) teachers as well.
Open House
John A. Sciole hosts a “Parents-Only” Open House each year. This evening is designed to give parents an opportunity to learn about their child’s academic programs. Please see the District Calendar (hard copy or online) for the Open House date. More information will be sent to you before the Open House.
Parent Portal/Report Cards
All report cards are posted electronically to the Parent Portal. Parents may also check grades throughout the school year (in between report cards) on the Parent Portal. It is important that every parent have access to the Parent Portal (and verify contact information on the portal every year).
Bus Procedures
The following information is from our transportation department and can also be found on our District website. Please review carefully with your child. Please note that if your child is having difficulty on the bus, they may be given up to two verbal warnings before the behavior gets written up formally and sent to the school. Once the school is notified, a parent will be contacted. If you suspect your son or daughter is having a problem on the bus, you may wish to speak to the driver. Close communication and cooperation with the driver will help reduce problems associated with long bus rides.
Please help us make your child’s bus ride a safe and enjoyable part of their education at Lancaster Central public, private, and parochial schools. Please take the time to reinforce these procedures with your children.
The following is intended to serve as a guide for what is expected of Lancaster Central School District students. The adherence to school policies will promote proper student behavior and promote the academic excellence in which Lancaster has always taken pride.
Bus rules will be posted as follows:
- Obey instructions first time given.
- Remain seated facing forward while bus is in motion.
- Use acceptable language.
- Keep hands and feet to self.
- Talk only with those near you in a quiet voice.
Students may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension from school, when they engage in misconduct while on a school bus.
It is crucial for students to behave appropriately while riding on owned or leased district buses to ensure their safety and that of other passengers and to avoid distracting the bus driver. Students are required to conduct themselves on the bus in a manner consistent with established standards for classroom behavior. Excessive noise, pushing, and fighting will not be tolerated.
The following consequences for violators have been determined to be a fair and reasonable procedure:
- Verbal Warning – Date documented with violation
- Assigned a window seat – Dates documented with violation
- 1st Written Violation - (previous warnings dated) to administrator, and/or home, or possible suspension
- 2nd Written Violation - Administrative referral may include 1-5 day suspension
- 3rd Written Violation - Student may lose transportation privilege for more than five days (Superintendent Hearing)
This process may be shortened for any student who threatens or displays behavior that might endanger the health, safety, and welfare of self, other students, teachers, and/or staff. This student will be suspended immediately, which may include a recommendation for a Superintendent’s Hearing to determine the student’s future status.
Emergency Closings
If inclement weather makes it necessary to close school, announcements will be made over the following Buffalo radio stations: WBEN, WJYE, WHTT, WYRK, WWKB, WGR, and WEBR, as well as the following television stations: WKBW, WIVB, and WGRZ. Announcements will be broadcast usually after 6:30 a.m. If in doubt, please continue to listen for possible closing information. You will also receive an automated phone call from the district’s emergency phone system.
If there is an emergency closing during the school day, it is important that you have verified contact information in our computer system through the Parent Portal. This is completed when logging into the Parent Portal for the first time each school year. Be sure to keep this information up to date. Please make sure we have at least three emergency contacts.
Fire Drills, Lock Down Drills,and Bus Drills
If parents of a school-aged child are planning to move out of the district, it will facilitate our completion of transfer data if you notify the office by note or phone call as soon as possible. This will enable us to provide the new school with needed information for efficient transfer and proper placement of your child.
If you are moving within the district, please notify the school of your new address and phone number so we can keep our records current. Attendance at John A. Sciole requires that you reside within our school’s boundaries. At no time is it acceptable to move outside of our school’s boundaries and continue to transport your child to school. All parents must notify the school district of any change of address.
Make-up Work Due to Absences
Extra homework is not required for students who miss school due to illness. Teachers will help individual children make up work they have missed when they return to school.
Children absent from school for illegal reasons, such as extended vacations, are expected to make up work upon their return to school. Specific daily assignments will not be provided.
Morning Announcements
The Pledge of Allegiance is recited by the entire school each morning at approximately 9:14 a.m. The Kindness Pledge is recited once a week. Also at that time, birthdays are announced along with any additional announcements. Each child receives a birthday pencil from the principal (or designee) on their special day. Summer birthdays are added beginning in May.
Telephone Use
The school telephones are for school and business use. It will help your child if you encourage them to collect things they need the night before the school day (lunch money, permission slips, books, recorders, etc.). Hopefully, this will teach children to plan carefully ahead and save parents many unnecessary trips through student forgetfulness. In the event that a child forgot something important or feels a strong need to call a parent, arrangements will be made for them to do so in the classroom or the main office.
It should also be noted that cell phones and watches that allow messaging/phone calls are not permitted in school, nor should they be taken on the bus. Again, these items will be taken from children and a parent called to come into the school to pick them up.
In order to ensure the safety of everyone, no student will be allowed on the equipment without proper footwear. Both boys and girls are expected to wear either sneakers or a close-fitting shoe that covers the entire foot. Sandals or open type shoes of any kind (like flip flops or crocs) will not be allowed, nor will any footwear that has wheels inserted in the bottom.
Lost and Found
Each year many items including watches, wallets, articles of clothing, jewelry, toys, cards (i.e., Pokemon Cards) etc. are lost and turned into Lost and Found. Many of these items are never claimed and are donated to various organizations. We suggest if your child loses something he/she should immediately check our Lost and Found location in the main office. Putting names on all articles may eliminate problems. It is strongly suggested that anything valuable not be brought to school. We cannot be responsible for lost or stolen items.
Vehicles should not park or drive in the circle immediately in front of the school building during arrival or dismissal. The area directly in front of the school is our fire lane. Signs are posted to indicate no parking areas and times. Should you mistakenly park your vehicle in the “circle” area, you will be asked to move it immediately. Additionally, when attending any of our evening activities, please remember to keep our fire lane (the “circle” area) free of vehicles at all times.
The drop off/pick up traffic should follow the loop pictured below:
Field Trips and Special Events
All students attending a school field trip are required to ride the bus to and from the field trip with his/her class. If you would like to take your child home early following a field trip, the office needs a written note ahead of time. Upon return from the field trip, the child must be signed out by the parent (have I.D. please) and will be called down from his/her classroom. Students may not be taken home directly from the field trip.
When we have special events like field day, the kindergarten end of the year performance, and the third grade moving up ceremony, many parents want to take their children home early. This can make things very hectic in the office. Letting the office know a day or two in advance of these dismissals is greatly appreciated. The same goes for taking siblings home early from one of these events. Keep an eye on the red folders for the early dismissal note due dates.
Behaviors and Consequences
We focus on developing exemplary character, working every day to help all students make good choices when it comes to behavior. Teachers use a variety of classroom plans that offer students numerous opportunities to learn from their mistakes and be rewarded for their efforts. While we set high expectations, we don’t seek perfection, but rather recognize that these elementary school years help to form the foundation for future success.
Please take some time to review the chart so that you understand the potential consequences that may be utilized. Also, please consult the Lancaster Central School District Code of Conduct for additional information about student discipline and potential consequences for inappropriate behavior. Thank you.
Level One Behaviors - Minor Rule Violations
- Inappropriate noises
- Calling/talking out
- Crawling on the floor/hiding under tables
- Classroom disruptions as determined by the teacher
- Running
- "Play" fighting
- Repetitive tattling
- Non-compliant behaviors
- Losing temper/mild angry outbursts
Level One Consequences
- Verbal correction/warning apology
- Use of time out
- Consequence applied as part of class management plan
- Note to parent
- Separate seating
- Loss of privilege
- Detention
Level Two Behaviors - More Serious
- Chronic level one behavior
- Arguing with adults/talking back
- Consistently not following directions
- Inappropriate moderate physical contact (pushing, shoving, poking, tripping)
- Leaving the classroom without permission
- Using personal electronic devices that are not permitted in school (cell phones, cameras, iPads, etc.)
- Inappropriate use of school property (in bathrooms, cafetorium, playground, library, etc.)
Level Two Consequences
- Any of the options from level one, if not previously tried
- Referral to the office
- Detention
- Individual behavior contract
- Parent contact by the student
- Increased supervision
- RTI (Response to Intervention) team referral
Level Three Behaviors - Significant
- Chronic level two behaviors
- Harassment (verbal abuse)
- Vandalism*
- Fighting*
- Swearing*
- Leaving the building/school grounds
- Bullying*
- Intimidation
- Threatening others
- Possession of weapons*
- Improper bathroom conduct
- Extreme demonstrations of anger (throwing furniture, inflicting harm to others)
- Possession of or under the influence of illegal substances*
Level Three Consequences
- Any of the options from levels one and two, if not already applied
- Parent contact/conference
- Law enforcement involvement when necessary
* Please refer to the District Code of Conduct for consequences